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B2B Opportunities:
FAQ Guests
What is MatcHub?
MatcHub is a free B2B virtual platform which supports companies to establish themselves on new markets and to find reliable partners abroad or in new areas. MatcHub offers reliable and timely partner-leads facilitating partnership, imports and/or exports activities in a simple and cost effective manner.
MatcHub offers you the opportunity to place or search announcements for finding new international partner. Having established a large network, MatcHub can also offer other services supporting SMEs in their business development process (i.e. legal support, accounting, logistic, B2B, recruitment, coaching and management support, etc.).
Who is interested in MatcHub?
MatcHub is a virtual fair dedicated to entrepreneurs, export managers, sales experts, and all the people interested in business development. MatcHub is created with the idea to facilitate the internationalization of SMEs and to help them to expand their activities on other markets by a direct, effective and open approach. In particular, MatcHub is focused on small and medium size industries or manufacturing companies that do not have enough time and capacity to work on international business development.
Why to become a free-registered-USER of MatcHub?
You can become a register-USER of MatcHub for free without any cost. You can register and create your company-profile filling-in the information required in the registration page – see the green button on the top-right of the homepage. As a registered USER you have full access to all the activities of
What is the difference between GUESTS and free-registered-USERS?
Depending on your status you have different opportunities to work and exploit MatcHub network. As a free registered USER you have full access to all the activities of MatcHub, while as a guest you have some restrictions (i.e. you cannot write and upload business proposals or you cannot answer to an interesting offer you have read). In both cases you are allowed to read all the active proposals to look for your best business partner.
What services does MatcHub provide?
MatcHub has two main type of services. First of all MatcHub network aims to support companies in finding their best reliable partners in order to grow and enlarge their business. In addition to it, Marchub is able to support companies in their international business development process. Thus, thanks to its network and its international local presence, MatcHub is able to provide services of Accounting, Legal consultancy, Transport & Logistics, Recruitment, Training, Organization of events or B2B meetings, Real-Estate support services, etc.
Where can I find the business proposals?
You can search the best partner which fits your requirements using the filters placed on the top left of the homepage. More you are accurate, less proposals you will find – less you are accurate, more proposals you will find. If you do not have any specific requirement you can visualize all the active proposals clicking on the button BUSINESS PROPOSALS placed on the top-left corner of the homepage.
How do I use the filters?
To facilitate your matching you can use the filters on the top-left of the homepage. It is not mandatory to use all of them for a partnership search; you can decide according to your needs and expectations. If you are not sure about the meaning of each filter you can put your mouse cursor on the specific field and read the corresponding pop-up which explains it in details.
How to contact a company which posted an interesting business proposal?
In order to answer to a specific business proposal you have read, you need to register your company and to login as a USER. Only then, you can send a free message to another company part of MatcHub network.
What is a verified company (V) or (VV)?
MatcHub aims to have good and reliable partner-leads within its network. The verification policy of MatcHub provides 2 levels of verification for each company registered in MatcHub. The first verification level is given to companies which have proven their existence sending us an appropriate document. The second level of verification is given to companies which have proven to be affiliated or linked to one of our partner. In such way MatcHub shows and guaranties that a company is real and has serious business intentions. To have more details on how to become a verified company you can read the verification policy page or contact directly MatcHub team at
What is the Map of Links of MatcHub?
You can open the page Map of Links clicking on the bottom right of the homepage or directly clicking on the Map that you can find on the middle of the homepage. In this map you can have a look on the country presence of MatcHub network displaying the intensity and the number of MatcHub active business proposals.
How it is possible to insert a banner or an advertisement in MatcHub?
If you are interested in promoting your brand and you would like to post a banner in you can contact our team writing to We will be glad to provide you our best offer.
How is possible to become a partner or a sponsor of MatcHub?
MatcHub network is growing every day and is always welcoming new cooperation. Please send us your proposal at and we would be glad to send you our feedback ASAP.